Accounting Services

Our team of experienced accountants offers a full suite of accounting services tailored to meet your business's needs. From bookkeeping and financial reporting to tax preparation and compliance, we ensure your financial records are accurate, organized, and compliant with regulations.


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Tax and Business Accounting services can help small business owners stay financially healthy and compliant with tax, VAT returns, Payroll etc.

While having an overview of the overall performance and growth. Many businessmen and women do not understand the importance of the right accountancy process that can cost thriving small businesses to lose their success.

Varieties of Accounting Services Available

Accounting isn't one-size-fits-all; there are multiple options to cater to diverse business needs. It's crucial to select the most suitable option tailored to your specific circumstances.


Discover streamlined Bookkeeping Accounting Services tailored to your business needs. Our expert team ensures precision in managing finances, allowing you to focus on growth. Trust us to keep your records in order, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve your goals hassle-free.

Financial reporting

Gain clarity and confidence with our financial reporting services. Present concise summaries of your organization's financial performance to stakeholders. Trust us to ensure transparency and accuracy, empowering informed decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

How EastWind Biz Solutions Works for Your Business Finance?

EastWind Biz Solutions offers versatile finance solutions designed to assist businesses across various challenges, especially during challenging times like the current crisis.
Addressing Payroll Concerns

With many businesses facing hardships due to lock down measures, meeting payroll obligations can pose a significant challenge. Our finance options are tailored to alleviate such concerns.
Mitigating Cash Flow Gaps

If delayed invoice payments are affecting your cash flow, our financing solutions can bridge the gap, ensuring smooth business operations.
Fueling Business Expansion

Opportunities for growth are always present, and we're here to provide the necessary financial backing to drive your business forward.

How to Apply for Business Finance with EastWind Biz Solutions?

Applying for business finance is a breeze with EastWind Biz Solutions. Follow these three simple steps:

1. Tell Us About Your Business: Every business is unique, so we start by gathering basic information about your business to tailor finance options to your specific needs and circumstances. Our advanced iFunds technology matches your business profile with suitable loans and lenders.

2. Comparison of Loans and Lenders: We present your application to our panel of lenders to find the most suitable solution. An assigned account manager will guide you through available options, and you can track your application's progress conveniently through our smartphone app.

3. Let Us Handle the Rest: Once you've selected the loan that suits you best, we take care of all correspondence and information requests. Your account manager remains available to address any queries, provide regular updates, and ensure prompt disbursement of funds.

Why Use a Business Finance Broker?

We compare offerings from a panel of trusted lenders, each providing a range of financial solutions tailored to different business needs and circumstances.

However, the process of comparing business loans from numerous lenders while considering various factors could be time-consuming and may impact your credit score. Leave the legwork to us at EastWind Biz Solutions. With our cutting-edge technology and expertise, we streamline the process, offering you the right finance options swiftly and without leaving a trace on your credit file.

We simplify the funding sourcing process, allowing you to focus on managing your business.

How Much Can I Borrow?

The amount you can borrow depends on factors such as loan affordability and your business's current credit status. Connect with a member of our team, and we'll assess your requirements to ensure you secure the funds you need.

What Business Loan Rates Do You Offer?

Business loan rates are influenced by factors like your credit score, loan amount, loan type, and chosen lender. Our team will assist you in finding the most competitive rates from our panel of lenders, tailored to your specific circumstances.

How Long Does the Process Take?

The time frame for processing your application depends on how quickly you provide supporting documents. Once we receive all necessary information, we can offer initial quotes and discuss budgets promptly. While we aim to disburse funds within 24 to 36 hours, please note that the time frame may vary depending on the lender, loan amount, and loan type.

What Information Do I Need to Apply for Business Finance?

To initiate a business finance comparison with EastWind Biz Solutions, we require basic information about your business. As your application progresses, we may request additional details, such as the purpose of the loan and relevant financial documentation. Rest assured, your assigned account manager will guide you through the process, ensuring transparency and clarity at every step.

What Is a Soft Credit Check?

A soft credit check provides lenders and brokers with a preliminary assessment of your credit history without leaving a record on your credit file. This type of check aids in providing an initial decision on your finance application. If you proceed with the application, most lenders will conduct a hard credit check, which will be recorded on your credit file.

What Is a Hard Credit Check?

A hard credit check, also known as a full credit search, offers lenders detailed insights into your credit history before determining whether to approve your application. This type of credit check is recorded on your credit file, regardless of the application outcome. Accumulating multiple hard credit checks within a short period can negatively impact your credit score, potentially limiting your finance options.

Why Do You Need to Perform a Credit Check on Business Directors?

Most lenders need to assess the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. However, we can request lenders to conduct a soft check, which does not affect your credit score—please specify your preference. Should you decide to proceed with the application, your lender will conduct a hard credit search before making a decision. It's essential to choose a loan and lender that align with your needs and circumstances to avoid adverse effects on your credit score.

Does Comparing Business Finance Affect My Credit Score?

When you apply for business finance with EastWind Biz Solutions, we conduct a soft credit check to evaluate your eligibility. This preliminary check does not impact your credit score. If you proceed with the full application, your potential lender will conduct a hard credit check, which may affect your credit score. You can monitor your credit score for free using our app without any impact on your credit history.

Can You Help Me Obtain Business Finance with Bad Credit?

Certainly. We understand that not everyone possesses a flawless credit history, and unforeseen circumstances can affect credit ratings. If you have concerns about bad credit, inform our team, and we'll compare loans and lenders tailored to your circumstances.

How Can I Check My Business Credit Score, and Why Is It Important?

Download the EastWind Biz Solutions app to check your business credit score for free, without affecting your credit history. Understanding your business credit report is crucial, as anyone can perform a credit check on your company, accessing its public credit rating. Monitoring your business credit score empowers you to make informed financial decisions and maintain a favorable credit profile.

Can I Repay My Business Loan Early?

Early repayment terms vary among loan types and lenders. While some loans feature a fixed monthly repayment schedule, others offer more flexibility. If you intend to repay a loan early, you'll need to obtain a settlement figure, comprising the outstanding loan amount and accrued interest. Some lenders may also impose an early settlement fee. Notify your lending manager if early repayment concerns arise, and they'll provide assistance accordingly.

How Do I Determine the Best Type of Loan for Me?

Our team of lending managers is dedicated to discussing your requirements and assisting you in selecting the most suitable loan from our panel of lenders. We offer personalized guidance to ensure you make informed decisions aligned with your business goals.

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