Card machines for small businesses

✔️ Get the card machine that best fits your business. At the till, inside or out or on the road we have the card machine for you, all packed with the latest technology.

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What is the best card machine for small business?

Introducing our versatile range of card machines – whether you call them card readers, PDQ machines, or terminals, they're all designed to accept card payments seamlessly. But where do your customers expect to pay?

Countertop card machines are perfect for retailers, hotels, and salons with a fixed sales point, offering reliability through wired internet or phone line connections.

Restaurants, pubs, and businesses with diverse payment locations rely on portable card machines, connecting via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or even 3G for flexibility inside and out.

For mobile businesses like food vans, market stalls, and taxis, our mobile card machines are the ideal solution, utilizing GPRS to accept cards anywhere with a mobile network.