Before Considering Selling Your Company, Connect with EastWind Business Brokerage

Thinking about selling your company can be a significant decision, and at EastWind Business Brokerage, we're here to guide you through the process. With no obligation, our confidential consultations offer valuable insights into understanding the worth of your business both now and in the future.

Our team of highly professional brokers at EastWind guarantees to provide you with sound advice and valuable insights during your initial meeting. Take the first step towards a successful sale by reaching out to EastWind Business Brokerage today.

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What is my Business Worth?

Determining the worth of a business is a complex endeavor, often more art than science. At EastWind Business Brokerage, we understand that valuation is a critical concern for both sellers and buyers alike. However, arriving at a definitive answer can be elusive due to the subjective nature of the process.

There are various standards of value for businesses, each with its nuances:

  • 01

    Fair Market Value:

    Reflects the price at which a willing buyer and seller would transact, with neither party under compulsion to buy or sell..

  • 02

    Intrinsic Value

    Pertains to the value that investors perceive in a company's stock.

  • 03

    Fair Value

    Governed by legal standards and commonly applied in divorce proceedings.

  • 04

    Investment Value or Strategic Value

    Represents the worth of a business to specific buyers, which may surpass fair market value.

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Navigating these different standards requires expertise and insight. At EastWind Business Brokerage, our team possesses the knowledge and skills needed to guide you through the valuation process, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your business's worth. Whether you're selling or buying, trust EastWind to provide sound advice and assistance every step of the way.


The EastWind Business Acquisition Journey: Eight Steps to Entrepreneurship:

Step 1: Take Control

You've made the empowering decision to shape your financial future by acquiring a business. Congratulations on reaching out to EastWind Business Brokerage, your partner in this exciting journey! Now, let's kickstart the process of finding the perfect business opportunity for you.

Step 2: Evaluation

Meeting with your EastWind representative in person is ideal, but if distance is a barrier, rest assured that continuous communication via phone or email is equally effective. We'll delve into gathering detailed information about your financial capabilities, skills, experiences, and personal life goals. This critical step helps us align with your vision and determine the most suitable businesses to pursue, leveraging EastWind vast market resources.

Step 3: Education

Understanding the intricacies of buying a business is essential before making any decisions. EastWind will guide you through the process, providing insights into the current marketplace realities. You'll learn how to navigate online resources, assess business listings, grasp basic valuation concepts, and explore available opportunities.

Step 4: Search

Let the quest for your dream business commence! EastWind will support you in searching for suitable companies, assisting with confidentiality disclosures, obtaining detailed business information, and arranging meetings with sellers. Through refining your search and visiting potential opportunities, you'll eventually pinpoint the business you want to acquire. Should your search extend beyond a few months, a return to the education phase may be necessary.

Step 5: Make an Offer on the Right Business

Drawing on our expertise in deal structuring, EastWind will help you craft a contingent offer for your desired business. A purchase and sale agreement, along with a deposit held in escrow to demonstrate your commitment, will be presented to the seller. After negotiations, you'll secure an executed contingent purchase agreement.

Step 6: Due Diligence

Now is the time to meticulously verify the accuracy of the owner's representations. EastWind will coordinate efforts with your legal and accounting professionals to address all contingencies. If financing is involved, your lender's approval is essential to demonstrate your qualification for loan repayment.

Step 7: Closing

As the closing date approaches, final preparations will be made to ensure a smooth transition. From lease assignments to utility transfers, EastWind will facilitate all necessary arrangements. An attorney will oversee the signing of documents and payment of the purchase price, marking the completion of your acquisition.

Step 8: Post-Closing

Transitioning into ownership mode, you'll receive training from the seller on essential aspects such as employee and client meetings, technical education, and system updates. EastWind will remain available to address any queries or post-closing requirements. As you embark on this new chapter, remember that EastWind will9 continue to support you, whether it's growing your business or planning for the future sale.

Throughout the buying process, additional questions may arise, and EastWind is here to provide detailed explanations every step of the way. With EastWind guidance, you can embark on a successful journey to owning your own business.


The Seller's Pathway: Navigating Your Next Chapter with EastWind Business Brokerage

For years, you've been the driving force behind your small business, but perhaps now you're seeking a change—a chance to relax, spend time with loved ones, or pursue new entrepreneurial endeavors. Whatever your motivation, EastWind Business Brokerage is here to support you every step of the way.

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Why Consider Selling Your Business?

Perhaps you're ready to step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, or maybe you have aspirations for a new venture. Whatever your reasons, EastWind understands the importance of having a well-thought-out exit strategy to ensure you maximize the value of your investment.

Expert Guidance from EastWind Business Advisors

With over 40 years of experience and a track record of successfully selling over 10,000 businesses, EastWind Business Brokerage boasts the largest business brokerage team globally. When you sit down for a consultation with one of our advisors, you're tapping into a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Our advisors will help you:

Determine the value of your business using sophisticated valuation techniques.

Secure the best buyer through our extensive network and confidential advertising.

Navigate the intricacies of the deal, overseeing the entire process on your behalf.

Ensure a smooth transition and provide ongoing support post-sale.

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Your Next Chapter Begins Today

Selling your business shouldn't be a daunting task. With EastWind Business Brokerage by your side, you'll have a trusted partner who understands your journey and knows the market inside out.

Ready to embark on your next chapter?

Contact EastWind Business Brokerage today to schedule a no-obligation consultation. Let us handle the details while you plan your exciting next steps